Fish story: How to easily start a home aquarium
Fall could be the perfect time to add an aquarium of fish to your home. No need for early morning cold weather walks, no potentially odiferous litter box as falling temperatures keep you indoors.
On a recent visit to WPR’s “The Larry Meiller Show,” Steve and Tyler Banach, owners and operators of The Fish Factory in West Allis since 1986, talked about the benefits of aquatic pet ownership.
Tips for mini waterworld
The Kolkata Fish Federation’s fourth ornamental fish expo was a paradise for aquarium enthusiasts. Besides Goldfish, Flowerhorns and Bettas, the Science City show introduced Discus in the competitive category this year and there were a number of stalls and discussions on fish care and technology.
Best Aquariums For Pet Fish: Top 5 Tanks, Per Experts
Diving into the world of pets can be intimidating, time consuming, and expensive. That’s why many people choose to start out small, with a nice, soothing fish tank. Kids love watching their fish friends swim amidst colorful rocks and plants, while adults find this pet low maintenance and easy to leave on vacation.
16 Striped Freshwater Fish Perfect for Your Aquarium
The numerous health benefits of owning an aquarium including lowered blood pressure and reduced stress are just a couple of reasons to have a fish tank. Freshwater tanks are generally more straightforward to maintain than saltwater tanks and their inhabitants are more understanding of blunders made by inexperienced fish owners. Freshwater fish come in a stunning variety of vibrant and distinct kinds. Today we will look at 16 of the most incredible freshwater fish with stripes that will make a great addition to your tank!
The 21 Best Freshwater Aquarium Tips For Beginners
Condition tap water before adding to your tank. Tap water contains chlorine and chloramine, which the municipality uses to disinfect the drinking water. The concentration is low enough that it does not harm us, nor our cats and dogs.
Let your tank cycle before adding fish. The next tip I want to give you is always make sure that your aquarium is completely cycled before you add fish. If you are unfamiliar with “cycling” a tank, it means that your tank needs to build up a colony of beneficial bacteria to break down the ammonia that your fish produce.
12 Aquarium Tips for Beginners
An aquarium full of fish is a beautiful and captivating sight. People have enjoyed the wonder of aquariums for ages. Unfortunately, we don’t always understand all that goes into keeping happy and healthy fish before we get started. There is much to consider before you begin.
As a responsible pet owner, you must ensure you can properly care for any creature before you bring it into your home. It is not as simple as providing food and water. Following this guide will help you to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to Maintain a Freshwater Aquarium
Regulating the water in your freshwater aquarium is the most important role in maintaining the health of your marine life. Without proper maintenance, fish can become anxious, irritable, and unhealthy. These conditions will shorten the lives of your fish and create water that is neither suitable for life nor pleasant to look at. Below you can find information on how to maintain your freshwater aquarium, how often to perform this maintenance, and tips on troubleshooting problems as they arise.